Bezel is the top marketplace in the world for authenticated luxury watches. Get free in-house authentication and fully-insured overnight shipping with every purchase.
Investment Thesis
Bezel is a premium marketplace that differentiates itself from existing Watch marketplaces like Chrono24 by providing an end to end purchasing experience including authentication, as well as an elevated purchasing experience that makes it superior to competitors like eBay.
No SpaceMob spaces have been added yet.
Active Risks
Users will not trust a new website for watch purchases when there are established players like Chrono24 and eBay
Derisked Items
No derisked items.
Upcoming Catalysts
No upcoming catalysts.
Past Catalysts
No past catalysts.
Related Events
In recent years the Swiss watch industry has experienced a remarkable transformation, driven by shifting consumer preferences and the rapid evolution of digital marketplaces. We have been analysing these shifts for a decade in our Deloitte Swiss Watch Industry Study. This third Spotlight of our Deloitte Swiss Watch Industry Insights 2024 series investigates the burgeoning pre-owned watch market – which is reshaping the way enthusiasts and collectors engage with horology.